Why Low-Code Development Is Today’s Leader Of Enterprise Application?

Why Low-Code Development Is Today's Leader Of Enterprise Application

The traditional method of building applications involved tediously long complex lines of code. This process was labor intensive, demanding in terms of skill, complex and lengthy. However, app development in the modern IT market is made seamlessly easier through a visual approach. Therefore, low code technology makes it easier for IT to develop new and reusable building blocks that users can augment and sustain autonomously without requiring additional coding.

On the other hand, enterprise applications are software that are used by organizations in building and running key business functions and processes such as marketing, business intelligence, sales, supply chain, customer support and many more. According to creatio, enterprise applications can be made to easily integrate through low-code in order to produce a larger enterprise system. Technologies that are meant to serve large corporations with a large number of employees and have demand for robust, scalable solutions are generally marked as “enterprise-level” applications.

The major decision dilemma entrepreneurs face however in choosing enterprise apps is whether to buy an off-the-shelf or custom application. While off-the-shelf software may appear less expensive upfront, they are built with a broad-user capability in mind and may not be easy to update or adapt to the ever-changing business scenarios.

Additionally, not all the rebuilt features may be relevant and useful to the problem your business is trying to solve. This means that your business will still need to pay for upgrades, updates and any other new functionality that becomes a necessity. This makes low code development platforms an enterprise necessity that helps businesses to overcome similar hurdles.

Off-The-Shelf And Custom-Built Applications

Off-the-shelf applications therefore come with adoption challenges. Apart from high costs of training employees to learn new apps, generic software does not add much to the competitive advantage of an organization.

Tailored to fit into a company’s existing workflows, custom-built apps are more flexible and can be easily modified to fit into the changing business needs. However, the cost of hosting and maintaining them is worth considering before a decision is made.

What Apps Need Low-Code

The digital ecosystem is wider than just a few low code software such as HCM, CRM and ERP. Markets use a wider range of on-demand apps that help them in solving precise niche use problems even within larger domains. All these apps, from those that support email marketing, reporting, campaign and event management, data analysis to those that support social media planning, need low-code as an essential asset.

This is because each one of these software solutions come with their own security concerns, costs, user adoption challenges, training requirements, IT administration needs and many more that require low code technology.

An average enterprise employee utilizes eight apps on a daily basis. For this reason, low-code tools become key assets to every enterprise. With emerging needs, organizations can use these platforms to build more scalable, secure, customized in-house apps at lower costs.

Why Is The Future Of Low-Code Here Today

Many occasions, neither custom nor off-the-shelf solutions fulfill the changing needs of enterprises. Low-code has emerged as a robust force and best alternative to modern application development. Research shows that 75% of large companies will be using at least four low-code development software to support workflow and other business processes by 2024. Over 65% of all app development activities will be powered by low-code. But what is driving this demand?

Some of the primary factor that continue to fuel the demand, making low code the future of application, are the rising need for more advanced enterprise applications, shortage of qualified developers and the need to modernize some of the aging legacy systems. These challenges are interconnected and every organization faces them at varying degrees. Finding and attracting qualified app developers remains a big challenge to big and small companies, making it a big challenge to create internal systems from scratch.

In addition, companies that rely on legacy systems find it very difficult to change or shift to a more advanced tool just because these legacy systems have become more embedded into the primary business processes. Dealing with all these challenges need a resourceful investment and demand more time, which may incredibly slow down the business. This is the reason why low code in enterprise application has become more relevant with increasing demand in enterprise app development today.

By empowering businesses to meet the demand for new enterprise software, low-code reduces the burden on IT, resources and high-cost skilled personnel, which are the main obstacles to ap development. Organizations are therefore enabled to change ideas into time-saving, functional apps with amazing speed and agility. This way, low code development unlocks greater levels of efficiency of programmers and increases an organization’s quality of work.