Why ESG Investing Still Matters

Why ESG Investing Still Matters

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing is an increasingly popular trend in the investment world as investors strive to align their portfolios with their values and beliefs. ESG investing considersnot just financial returns but also impacts on society and corporate governance.

So, what is ESG investing? Why does it matter? And how to invest?

What Is ESG Investing?

ESG investing is a sustainable investingform that takes into accountthree factors when making investment decisions:environmental, governance, andsocial. ESG investors look beyond traditional financial metrics to evaluate companies’ impacts on the world around them.

Environmental influences include carbon emissions, energy efficiency, waste management, and water usage; social aspects include labor practices, human rights violations, and community impact; governance aspects include board composition, executive compensation packages, and shareholder rights.

ESG investors seek to invest in companies that are leaders in certain areas and avoid those with negative impacts. For instance, an ESG investor might choose to fund a firm with an impressive record of reducing carbon emissions while steering clear of one with a history of human rights violations.

Why ESG Investing Matters?

ESG investing is important for several reasons. First, it allows investors to align their investments with their values and beliefs. Many prefer companies that are making a positive difference in the world while avoiding those that do not.

Second, ESG investing can lead to superior long-term returns. Companies that prioritize sustainability often fare better when faced with risks like regulatory changes, lawsuits, and reputational damage; they may also be more innovative and better able to seize new opportunities.

Third, ESG investing can have a positive effect on the world. By investing in companies with strong ESG practices, investors can help foster positive change and motivate businesses to improve their performance in these areas.

How To Invest In ESG?

There are various ways to invest in environmental sustainability. One option is investing in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that focus on ESG. These funds usually invest in companies with high ESG ratings and avoid those that score poorly.

Another approach is investing in individual companies with successful ESG practices. There are various resources available for investors to assess a firm’s ESG performance, such as third-party rating agencies and corporate sustainability reports.

Finally, some investors may elect to engage with companies directly in order to motivate them to improve their ESG practices. This could involve attending shareholder meetings, filing shareholder resolutions, or speaking directly with company management about specific matters.

What Is The Distinction Between Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) And ESG (Environmental, Social, And Governance) Investing?

SRI and ESG investing are similar in that both endeavor to invest in companies with positive social and environmental impacts. However, SRI typically takes a negative screening approach, where companies involved in certain industries, such as tobacco or weapons, are excluded from investment consideration. On the other hand, ESG investing takes a positive screening approach where companies are selected based on their ESG performance. Furthermore, ESG investing considers governance factors, while SRI mostly concentrates on social and environmental matters.

Can ESG Investing Be Used Across All Investment Strategies?

Absolutely, ESG investing can be applied to all investment strategies, both passive and active investing. ESG factors can be integrated into the decision-making process for investments, with companies being evaluated based on their ESG performance in much the same way they’re evaluated based on financial performance. Furthermore, there is an increasing selection of ESG-focused investment products, such as mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), that can be included in a portfolio.


ESG investing is a growing trend in the investment world, driven by investors’ desire to align their portfolios with their values and beliefs. ESG investing involves considering environmental, social, and governance factors when making investment decisions and seeks out companies with positive impacts on society. ESG investing benefits investors by allowing them to align their investments with their values while potentially leading to better long-term returns as well as having an impact on society at large. There are various ways of investing in ESG, such as mutual funds, individual stocks, or direct engagement with companies directly.


Where do US investors stand on ESG investing?

A significant majority of investors prioritize investment performance over ESG factors. According to a recent survey, 78% of investors consider the expected rate of return as a crucial factor when selecting companies or funds to invest in, while 74% give the same level of importance to potential loss risks.

Is ESG regulated in the US?

The SEC plays a key role as the primary regulator of the public markets in the United States and has been at the forefront of promoting ESG disclosures and enforcement. Meanwhile, the DOL, which is responsible for regulating private-sector employee benefit plans, has also sought to regulate ESG matters.