Why Does My Scalp Itch After I Wash My Hair? – The Worst Reason You’ve Ever Heard

Why Does My Scalp Itch After I Wash My Hair

Did you know that shampooing your hair can cause it to itch? Or that the chemicals in your shower curtain dryer might be causing it to itch? Or that the temperature in your bathroom has something to do with itchy hair? Or that a head cold could be making it itch? The reason why your scalp tickles after you wash your hair is probably one of the most annoying, concerning, and downright ridiculous things about being a woman. You see, so often we’re told this sensitive part of our body will react differently depending on whether or not we’re anxious, afraid, or angry. And that’s why washing your hair when you are simply not feeling well is such a bummer. Because we don’t like admitting we are wrong and then constantly washing our hair until we feel better.

Why Does My Scalp itch After I Wash my Hair?

Because hair is hydrophilic, water molecules will attract the hair to the surface of your scalp. This causes the hair shaft to become wet and therefore exposed to more water molecules. This will result in more follicles opening. And as you know, follicles are hydrophilic, so the hair shaft becomes even wetter.

What’s The Cause Of Scalp Itch?

1. The Shower Curtain

You know how when you’re in the shower, your hair gets wet when you wash it? Well, your hair is also hydrophilic and will therefore be attracted to the water molecules in your shower curtain. This is why you get a headache if you use a cheap shower curtain. Not only do they have cheap fabric, but they have cheap water molecules too.

2. The Temperature of Your Bathroom

The temperature of your bathroom plays a big role in causing scalp itch because it affects the humidity level in the room. When humidity levels are low, the air will not contain as many water molecules as when humidity levels are high. This means that there aren’t as many water molecules around to attract your hair to the surface of your scalp. As a result, fewer cells will open and therefore fewer follicles will open up on your scalp.

3. Head Colds

When you have a head cold, you’re more likely to feel itchy than usual because colds make our bodies work harder to keep warm and therefore release more sweat from our body pores which attract bacteria and dust mites that can cause itchiness on our skin or scalp due to dehydration. This is why we often get head colds in wintertime when there’s not much moisture around which makes us feel even itchier due to lack of moisture on our skin and scalp as well as hot showers or baths make us sweat more which makes our body even hotter which also makes us sweat more and so on.

4. Hot Showers or Hot Baths

Hot showers or baths will make you sweat and therefore cause the hair follicles to become even more hydrophilic because water molecules are attracted to the surface of your scalp when you sweat. This is why you feel itchy after hot showers or baths. The process is similar to when we have a cold and we’re dehydrated.

How To Get Rid Of Scalp Itch?

Use a Shower Curtain That Does Not Have Cheap Water Molecules

Use a shower curtain that doesn’t have cheap water molecules. Such curtains are more likely to be made from natural materials such as cotton, linen, or silk. The cheaper the curtain is, the more likely it is to have cheap water molecules in it which will cause itchiness. If you have a shower curtain with cheap water molecules, you can use a hair conditioner to make your shower curtain more hygienic and help prevent itchiness on your scalp.

Use Hot Water in Your Shower or Bath When You Get Itchy

When you get itchy, take a hot shower or bath instead of using cold water because hot showers and baths will make your body sweat which will attract bacteria and dust mites that can cause scalp itch.

Change Your Shower Curtain Every Six Weeks or More Often Than That Because It Will Get Dirty Quickly When You Do Not Clean It Often Enough

If you don’t clean your shower curtain often enough then the dirt and dust particles on the surface of your shower curtain will accumulate over time and become harder for the hairs on your head to grab hold of so they won’t be able to open up as much when they’re stuck onto the surface of your scalp. This means that more cells won’t open up and therefore there’ll be fewer follicles opening up on your scalp which means that there’ll be less hair growth happening.

Wash Your Hair Regularly to Prevent It from Getting Dirty and Sticky

You can prevent your hair from getting dirty and sticky by washing it regularly. However, washing your hair too often can dry out your scalp which will make you itchier.

Use an Aloe Vera Gel or a Conditioner to Make Your Shower Curtain More Hygienic

If you want to use an aloe vera gel or conditioner to make your shower curtain more hygienic, then you should wash your shower curtain every week or two weeks so that the dirt and dust particles on the surface of the shower curtain will be washed off with each wash. You should also use a shampoo that’s designed for people with sensitive scalps so that it won’t dry out your scalp as much. If you do not wash your shower curtain regularly enough then the dirt and dust particles on the surface of the shower curtain will accumulate over time and become harder for the hairs on your head to grab hold of so they won’t be able to open up as much when they’re stuck onto the surface of your scalp. This means that more cells won’t open up and therefore there’ll be fewer follicles opening up on your scalp which means that there’ll be less hair growth happening. When you get itchy, take a hot shower or bath instead of using cold water because hot showers and baths will make your body sweat which will attract bacteria and dust mites that will be attracted to the sweat on your body.

What Are The Home Remedies For Scalp Itch?

Drink Enough Water

You should drink enough water so that your body can flush out the toxins from your body which will help to prevent your scalp from getting itchy. If you drink enough water, then you’ll also be able to eliminate the toxins from your body and leave more space for your blood to flow through so that it can do a better job of flushing out the toxins from your body.

Wear A Scarf or a Hat

If you want to reduce the number of dirt particles stuck onto the surface of your shower curtain, then you should wear a scarf or a hat when you’re going about doing things in the house. If you wear a scarf or a hat when going about doing things in the house, then these items will make it harder for dirt and dust particles to stick onto these surfaces and therefore make it harder for them to accumulate over time.

Use an Aloe Vera Gel or a Conditioner on Your Hair Instead of Shampooing It Regularly

If you want to use an aloe vera gel or conditioner on your hair instead of shampooing it regularly, then this is one way that you can avoid having dry hair because washing hair too frequently can dry out hair follicles which means that there’ll be fewer follicles opening up on your scalp which means that there’ll be less hair growth happening. However, if you don’t wash your hair frequently enough then there’s a chance that it may become dirty with dirt and dust particles and this could cause your scalp to itch.

Use a Moisturizing Shampoo on Your Scalp

You should only use moisturizing shampoo on your scalp because this will help to soothe itchy skin by nourishing it with the ingredients that are found in these types of products. You should also use an anti-fungal cream or lotion on your scalp, and you should also use a moisturizing conditioner after using this product because the moisturizing conditioner will make it easier for the skin cells on your scalp to absorb the ingredients from the anti-fungal cream or lotion that you’re using so that they can get rid of the fungi and bacteria from your scalp.

The Final Words

Getting your hair washed is a common routine you will do throughout your life. However, between the chemicals in your shampoo, the way your hair is dried, and the way you style it, you may be causing your scalp to itch. The only way to prevent this is to stop washing your hair so much. And the only way to keep your scalp from itching is to stay hydrated and use a mild, non-greasy shampoo.