Exploring Yourself: What Is Past Life Regression Therapy?

What Is Past Life Regression Therapy

This therapy operates on the belief in reincarnation or the idea that a person’s soul has lived multiple lives in different bodies. Past life regression therapy aims to explore and resolve issues or challenges in an individual’s current life by delving into their supposed past lives. Once in this state, the individual is encouraged to recall memories or experiences from their past lives.

Types Of Past Life Regression Therapy

There are various approaches to past life regression therapy, each with its methods and philosophies. Here are some common types:

  1. Hypnosis-Based Regression

This approach involves inducing a hypnotic state in the client to access past life memories. The therapist guides you through relaxation and suggestive prompts to explore your past life experiences.

  1. Guided Imagery Regression

Similar to hypnosis-based regression, this method uses visualization techniques to access past life memories. The therapist guides the client through imagined scenes or events that may represent past life experiences.

  1. Transpersonal Regression

Transpersonal regression therapy explores past life experiences as part of a broader spiritual journey or higher consciousness. It may involve accessing personal, collective, or universal experiences beyond the individual ego.

  1. Spiritual Regression

This approach focuses on exploring past life experiences from a spiritual perspective, incorporating beliefs about karma, soul contracts, and spiritual growth into the regression process.

  1. Psychodynamic Regression Therapy

Integrating traditional psychotherapeutic techniques with past life regression explores past life memories within the context of the client’s current psychological issues and interpersonal relationships.

  1. Regression Therapy for Healing Trauma

Some practitioners use past life regression therapy specifically as a tool for healing emotional or psychological trauma. By revisiting past life experiences associated with trauma, clients can gain insight, resolution, and healing.

  1. Energy-Based Regression

This type of regression therapy focuses on identifying and releasing energetic blocks or imbalances stemming from past life experiences. Energy healing, chakra balancing, or aura cleansing may be employed during the regression process.

  1. Integrative Regression Therapy

This approach combines various therapeutic modalities, such as hypnosis, guided imagery, and energy work, tailored to the individual client’s needs and preferences.

How Does Past Life Regression Therapy Work

How Does Past Life Regression Therapy Work

The process typically involves the following steps:

  • Relaxation: The individual is guided into a state of deep relaxation, often through breathing exercises, visualization, or hypnosis.
  • Regression: The therapist guides the individual back through their current life, childhood, and eventually into what is believed to be past lives. The individual may describe scenes, events, or emotions from these supposed past lives.
  • Exploration: The therapist facilitates the exploration of the memories or experiences that emerge. They may ask questions to help the individual delve deeper into these past life memories and understand their significance.
  • Resolution: The goal of past life regression therapy is often to identify and resolve any unresolved issues from past lives that may be affecting the individual’s current life. By revisiting and processing these experiences, it is believed that healing and personal growth can occur.
  • Integration: Once the session is complete, the individual is brought back to full awareness and integration of the experiences discussed. The therapist may provide guidance on how to apply insights gained from the session to their current life.

Who Undergoes Past Life Regression Therapy

People who are interested in exploring their own consciousness, spirituality, or personal history may turn to past life regression therapy as a means of self-discovery and growth. The same is true for individuals who want to improve their mental health. These people are struggling with unresolved emotional or psychological issues, such as phobias, relationship challenges, or recurring patterns of behavior.

People with a strong interest in spirituality, metaphysics, or alternative healing modalities may be drawn to past life regression therapy to explore concepts like reincarnation, karma, and the soul’s journey. Those who are open to alternative or complementary healing approaches may consider past life regression therapy alongside or instead of more traditional forms of therapy.

People who hold beliefs in reincarnation or past lives, whether due to religious, cultural, or personal reasons, may see past life regression therapy as a way to deepen their understanding of these concepts and their own spiritual journey. Some individuals may simply be curious about the concept of past lives and wish to explore it further through therapy, even if they do not hold strong beliefs in reincarnation.

How Long Is Past Life Regression Therapy

The duration of a past life regression therapy session vary depending on several factors, including the therapist’s approach, the depth of exploration desired by the client, and individual preferences. Typically, a session can last from one to two hours.

Some therapists may conduct multiple sessions to delve deeper into past life experiences or to address specific issues. It’s essential to discuss the expected duration and structure of the therapy with your therapist beforehand to ensure alignment with your needs.

Who Performs Past Life Regression Therapy

Past life regression therapy is typically conducted by therapists or practitioners who specialize in this area. These professionals may have backgrounds in hypnotherapy, psychology, psychiatry, counseling, or alternative healing modalities. It’s essential to seek out a qualified and experienced practitioner who adheres to ethical guidelines and has appropriate training in past life regression therapy techniques.

When considering undergoing past life regression therapy, it’s crucial to research the practitioner’s credentials, experience, and reputation. Additionally, it’s essential to have a thorough understanding of the therapy process and discuss any concerns or questions you may have with the practitioner before beginning the sessions.

How To Prepare For Past Life Regression Therapy

First, clarify your intentions and what you hope to gain from the therapy. Research and find a qualified practitioner who specializes in past life regression therapy. During the consultation, ask any questions you may have about the therapy process.

Mentally prepare yourself by cultivating an open mind and practicing relaxation techniques to ease any anxiety. Ensure the therapy space is comfortable, quiet, and free from distractions. Dress comfortably and stay hydrated leading up to the session. Consider preparing any questions or topics you want to explore during the regression.


As with any therapeutic approach, it’s essential for individuals to carefully consider their own beliefs, values, and goals before pursuing past life regression therapy. Find a qualified practitioner in your area whom you can approach to reap the benefits of past life regression therapy, especially if you’re undergoing stress or anxiety.