What Are the Factors Causing a Head-on Collision?

What Are the Factors Causing a Head-on Collision

Any automobile accident can be dangerous and cause serious injuries to the occupants of a vehicle. However, a head-on collision is the most dangerous type of car crash with nearly 10% of those accidents causing a fatality.

What is a Head-On Collision?

A head-on collision is any accident where the front of two vehicles collides while traveling in opposite directions. The direct hit concentrates the energy and momentum of both vehicles greatly increasing the chance of serious injuries for all parties. Visit for more information about legal help with this type of accident.

Although head-on collisions only account for about 2% of all accidents, nearly 57% of automobile accident deaths are due to front impact accidents. In addition to being highly fatal, head-on collisions also cause a plethora of injuries. These include spinal injuries, catastrophic injuries, broken bones, and paralysis.

Causes of Head-On Collisions

As with any automobile accident, a head-on collision can be caused by a variety of reasons. However, there are specific causes that are more likely to cause such an accident. Most of these types of accidents are the direct result of the negligence or recklessness of one or more drivers.

If in this type of accident, it is important for those involved or their loved ones to contact an attorney to assist with the case. The severe injuries and devastation caused by a head-on collision can be very costly and the person responsible should be held liable for any and all damages.

Drugs or Alcohol

Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol can cause a person to be unable to maintain safe and proper control of a vehicle. Combining drugs and alcohol together, or even alcohol and over-the-counter medications can greatly intensify these effects.

A person impaired by drugs or alcohol can easily become disoriented and enter the lane of oncoming traffic. Drugs and alcohol are often contributing factors in head-on collisions. This is why it is illegal to drive when using drugs or alcohol. Not only does it put the driver at risk of an accident, but it puts at risk the lives of everyone on the road.


Another major cause of head-on collisions is fatigue. Getting tired, drowsy, or even falling asleep while driving can cause a person to lose control of their vehicle and enter the lane of oncoming traffic. This can lead to a serious head-on collision.

The long and boring roads after dark can often become hypnotizing and lull a driver to sleep, even when not very tired. For those who have not had enough sleep or are overworked, night driving can be a quick way to fall asleep. The best strategy for fighting off sleepiness while driving is to leave the road and find a place to sleep.

Other Causes of Head-On Collisions

Distracted driving has become a big problem on the road. People divert their attention to other things in the vehicle and can drift into another lane before realizing it, leading to a head-on collision. Maintaining focus on the road and avoiding electronics in the vehicle can prevent this issue.

Fog or snow is also a cause of head-on collisions. Going into another lane because there is no visibility or even because of sliding on ice can be just as dangerous as any other reason. The best method is to avoid driving in these conditions when possible. Slowing down can help when driving is necessary. Although it will not prevent every accident, it can minimize them.

There are a variety of other issues that may cause such an accident. Confusions over the roads and signage, debris in the road or potholes, even animals in the road can cause a driver to swerve in the other lane. Although it is impossible to prevent every type of accident, a little attention and care when on the road can reduce the likelihood of such an incident.