Site Development: The Right Accents In Creating A Website

The Right Accents In Creating A Website

Internal and external optimization is a good thing and a must, but nothing influences the success of a site more than development and design, which will not be forgotten by ui & ux design and development company. In other words, poor navigation, programming, or design negate all of your investment in promotion.

Too often, customers come to us after the site has been fully commissioned. And here we spend hundreds, if not thousands, of customer dollars just to make the site suitable for search. And only then can we begin to optimize, promote, and develop a marketing strategy. That’s not a Dworkz option. So what do we do?

The problem is that creating a search engine-compliant site shouldn’t happen after you’ve already finished it. It should be done during design and programming. That’s the job of the developers. They write the code for it all, so let them, for the love of HTML (and all web programming languages), do it right!

This article details the technical and marketing parts of developing your dream site.


The programming process – the stage linking together the control system, design, and website interface. Also, the portal “implemented” logic and prescribed algorithms for user interaction with the site and the relationship of pages with external resources. That is, at this stage of development, a design layout is transformed into a full-fledged site.

The programmer is engaged in improving the speed of loading the site, the engine, and security.

In order to make the website work with maximum efficiency, web development should be carried out taking into account the possible maximum load, its structure, and organization of work, as well as other technical features, which can make significant adjustments in the stability of the system. This affects not only the attendance and usability of a web resource, but also the security of sensitive data.

Therefore, of particular importance is what programming language will be used by developers. The programming process is divided into two components, closely interacting with each other – the server (back-end) and the user (front-end).


Back-end programmers of our company mainly use Python language, which in the opinion of many experts is one of the most convenient languages not only for developers but also for customers. Systems based on it can be deployed on servers running not only under Linux, but also under Windows, which gives the user more freedom.

The fact that this programming language is the most logical, clear, and concise, and includes many libraries of ready-made solutions, can significantly reduce the cost of developing a website. The likelihood of errors is reduced, and, accordingly, reduces the time that should be allocated in order to clean up and debug the entire system as a whole. At the same time, the developer can pay even more attention to increasing the efficiency of interaction between its functional components and work safety.


In this case, all stages of the site’s creation are important, not only the work on the creation of the back-end. The server part can appear absolutely useless, if not to provide to it prompt and convenient access from the user. This problem is solved by creating a front-end – the public part, which allows the user to interact with the server. It is programmed in a number of languages, including the traditional HTML and CSS, as well as successfully used and is constantly gaining popularity in JavaScript.

While the server side can only be indirectly evaluated by the visitor, the user side is immediately visible as soon as the visitor enters the first page of the website. The user can see all of its advantages and disadvantages directly, so the quality of front-end programming too, in any case, can not be neglected.


A developer tests the site in several stages. The more complex the project, the more time is required for testing and debugging. The main stages of testing are:

  1. Preparatory work involves analyzing the TA, studying the final layouts, and making a plan for testing the site.
  2. Functional testing includes checking the mandatory functions, and the speed of loading files on the server.
  3. Testing the layout, which checks the location of elements, optimization of graphic information, and code validity.
  4. Usability testing is evaluating the convenience of the resource for users with different levels of skills.
  5. Security testing is a test of the protection of critical pages from external influences.
  6. Performance testing helps to determine the speed of the service during the influx of traffic.
  7. In addition, font checks, 404 errors, and searches for broken links are carried out.

SEO Site Promotion

Optimization and content

SEO promotion is a complex of measures aimed at increasing the visibility of the website in search engines for certain user requests. There are conventionally two directions of optimization methods, but only with comprehensive optimization can a site really be in the top of search engines.

This is what can be done on the site itself to improve its position in search engine rankings. This is the elimination of problems with indexing, and relinking, i.e., linking page to hyperlinks, writing quality content, improving downloads, and adapting for mobile devices.

External optimization

This is something that can be done outside the site to increase its relevance. Search engines consider all sites by this criterion. The main methods Dworkz mentioned: are registration in profile directories, link exchange, placement of articles on other resources, and representation in social networks. These are methods that will help the site to take first positions in the issuance of Google and Yandex.

Particular attention should be paid to content. This is a handy tool to optimize the site, including text content, images, audio and video materials, and flash banners.

Content-complete predetermines how successful will be the promotion of the resource among users. Therefore, requirements for content include the uniqueness of text, usefulness, competent presentation and design, and compliance with search engine queries.


Making and discussing changes – is an important stage in the development of the site. The developer shows the client the final product, and he checks it: tests the buttons, and evaluates the design and presentation logic of information. It often happens that the customer can see that somewhere is a removed line, the distance between the banners is not sustained or there is a bad link. The client sends all his comments to the developer, and they are finalized.