Terms And Conditions

This platform is a property of The Freeman Online. We are giving you access to this website subject to some conditions and terms. By accessing, browsing and using our services, you are simply agreeing to the terms and conditions governing this website.  This includes all policies that referred to in the site. We, therefore, implore you to take your time to go through our terms and conditions. If you, however, do not feel comfortable with the terms and conditions, we counsel that you should not access, browse, use and register on our platform. You must also agree that you are 18 years and older and if you are not up to, you must be under the direct supervision of an older parent or guardian.

Privacy policy

The privacy policy governing the use and operation of this website can be found on the website. We encourage you to go through our privacy policy for an insight into how we use,  collect and share information as it concerns our users.

Website use

The moment you accept our terms and conditions, we automatically give you free access to our site. You are free to use the contents of the site by any terms and conditions that may apply. You may however not use certain details about our website such as our logo, trademark, content and other proprietary information as contained on the website without the permission of our management. You are also not allowed to use any meta tags or any text that uses our trademark, name, and products without first seeking consent from us.

Any breach of the aforementioned terms will see you losing the license given you without any prior notice. You are however permitted to create a hyperlink to our homepage as long as it does not give our brand a negative image. This limited right may, however, be revoked at any time we deem it necessary.


To maximize the features of this website, you may be required to register with us. During this process, you will be assigned a username and password for you to have an identity with us.  By registering, you are simply agreeing to make available complete and accurate information for registration and to notify us of changes and updates to the provided information.


We use cookies and this means that when you agree to use our platform, you agree to use our cookies as it is contained within the agreement in our site privacy policy.

Different websites use cookies to get the necessary details of every user whenever they visit. The primary function of these cookies is to assist us in making your next visit even easier. Furthermore, some of our partners may also use cookies.