Is 5.5 Eyesight Bad? Details On Healthy Vision

Is 5.5 Eyesight Bad

Of all our senses, vision is among the most important, and we could not achieve a quarter of what we have today without it. 

If you lose your sight as an adult, it will take years to adapt and be self-reliant since it is a part of you that you need for nearly everything you do.

Seeing how important our eyesight is, you need to understand it and take appropriate measures to ensure you don’t lose it. 

Let us get into  the details of caring for your eyes and help you know the best ways to improve your eyesight and ensure you see clearly for the rest of your life;

Is 5.5 Eyesight Bad? 

If you have a number lower than 5, you have high farsightedness, which can be harmful, and you need exceptional help to see better. 

Without help, you will have headaches, eye pain due to straining, and issues with hand-eye coordination, which will affect how well you perform other tasks. You can see an optician and get corrective lenses or surgery to help make the situation better. 

What Is Farsightedness? 

Before describing hyperopia, we need to understand how an eyeball is similar to a camera to help us understand how it works

When you take a picture, light bounces off the object and goes through your camera’s transparent glass.

The light will go into a lens to help focus the light rays onto a film that will produce the picture, and the eye is almost similar. 

When you see an object, the light from the object enters your eye through the cornea, a transparent cover. 

After the cornea, light rays will go through a crystalline lens in your eye that helps focus the light onto the retina. 

The retina is in the posterior part of the eyeball, and it has light-sensitive photocells that will translate the light rays to brain signals.

Farsightedness is a form of refractive disorder which means that the eye cannot refract or bend the light rays that come into it correctly. 

This issue means that the lens will focus light rays coming from an object behind the retina rather than on it.

This refractive error has three key features; Images form behind the retina. In normal eyes, the lens will focus the image on the retina; hence, it will be clear, but you will get a blurry image behind the retina.

You must use objects at 6 meters or more to assess this problem; when objects come closer than 6 meters, the light rays will diverge, and their focus will change. 

When testing for farsightedness, your eyes must be at rest. You can adjust the muscles and improve or worsen your view, so you must be at rest to get a correct measure of your eye’s focusing power.

This is why most opticians use muscle paralyzing drugs on your eyes before trying to figure out your eye’s refractive error. 

Both myopia and hyperopia have an unusual distant vision, and they can’t focus on distant objects clearly, but hyperopia has a difference in this.

Hyperopia patients can contact some intraocular muscles and increase the power of their lens, which allows them to focus images accurately on their retina. 

This will demand continuous and extensive use of these muscles to keep a good image, resulting in pain.

This worsens when they try to see a near object since the eyes will need more power than the eye muscles can provide; hence the images become blurry. 

This is why most people with medium farsightedness say they see distant objects clearly, but their eyes hurt or get tired.

Causes Of Farsightedness

Now that we know what this problem entails, we need to look at some of its causes to see if it is something we can avoid. 

Some people have this defect from birth, and others get it during their lifetime, so let us get into the details;

1. Curvature

The lens and cornea curve in all humans, but the degree of this curve differs. Some people have smaller curves hence their cornea or lens are flatter than average hence they dint bend light to the same degree as a normal eye. 

This means that the parallel light rays only bend slightly, and they need to travel longer before converging. 

This means the eye won’t be big enough to accommodate the space they need, and the rays will hit the retina before converging; hence you get a blurry image.

2. Axial

The retina needs to be at a general distance from the lens and cornea to get a focused image. Sometimes the cornea and lens are working correctly, but the patient has a smaller eyeball, or the retina is closer to the lens than it should be. 

So the image will form at the right place, but the retina will be out of place; hence you will have a blurry image.

3. Refractive index

The decrease in the refractive index of the lens or cornea can lead to farsightedness. This change means that there is a reduction in the light focusing power of your lens, so it doesn’t affect it as much as it needs for you to see clearly. 

Some medical issues like cataracts can bring up this issue, and most of the time, you can have surgery to fix it. 

4. Positional issues

The lens could get displaced backward, primarily because of trauma to the eye. The incorrect positioning will mean that the lens is close to the retina, focusing on the light rays behind the retina. 

At times the lens might focus the light on the wrong part of the eye, so the image is blurry at all times, and you feel pain when you look at something for long.

5. Aphakia

This is a medical term that refers to the absence of a lens in the eye. The lens is vital insight since it bends the parallel rays of light and focuses them into a single image that your brain can understand. 

Without the lens, your eye can’t focus the light rays onto the retina; thus, you will have problems seeing images close to you.

Symptoms Of Hyperopia 

We need to understand its signs now that we have established how severe farsightedness can be. These will help you know when to see a doctor and get help before the problem becomes too much for you, so let’s jump into it;

Eye strain or discomfort

If you are farsighted, you will need to strain most of your eye muscles to help you see objects close to you. This will become more apparent when you read a book or use a phone or computer

You will mainly experience headaches, eye tiredness, or photophobia in some cases. This is when you feel a sharp pain in the eyes when there is a bright light near you, and it often happens because the muscles are changing, and they refract the light too much.

Blurred vision

Blurry vision is common in some situations, for instance, when you come from the bright sunshine into a poorly lit room. Your eye adjusts to the new light levels, so you can expect blurred vision for a few seconds, which is not an issue. 

Farsighted people will attempt muscle contractions in their eyes, and they will still be unable to correct the wrong refraction. In most cases, they will have blurred vision, even in perfect light conditions. 

This is often when the patient has a high refractive error that muscle contractions can’t correct. You will need to use glasses or contact lenses to help correct the problem for such a situation.

Inward eye deviation

This causes a convergent squint that might lead to pain in the eye or headaches. Ordinary people also do this; they need to move their eyes inwards to focus on objects near them. 

Patients with farsightedness have this situation at a more enhanced level, which causes their eyes to move inward constantly. This will increase eye pain chances since they strain at longer distances than an average person.

You need to see an optician to detect any signs that might lead to hyperopia. Retinal exams will show any issues with your eyes and eyeball size to help you anticipate sight problems and potentially avoid them. 

Numerous advancements in medicine allow opticians to place your problem and fix it. Technologies allow for retinoscopy and A-scans, which will give you a factual error and make it easier for your optician to figure out a solution.


5.5 eyesight is terrible, and it can indicate a big problem with farsightedness. You need to see an optician and get help with glasses or surgery to help correct the refractive error in your eye; otherwise, the issue could lead to total blindness.

There are numerous causes for farsightedness, and you need to be on the lookout, especially after an accident. Scientific advancements will allow medics to correct most errors and save you from all the side effects that come with farsightedness.