How To Get Rid Of Swollen Taste Buds

How To Get Rid Of Swollen Taste Buds

Are your taste buds feeling a little swollen? Maybe you’ve been eating more spicy foods than usual, or maybe you’ve just gotten bored of the flavors you’re used to. Either way, if your tongue feels like it’s been inflated with helium and your taste buds feel like they’re permanently stuck on red alert, don’t worry: it’s completely normal. Swollen taste buds are a common side effect of having an excess of spicy or hot food—and fortunately, there are ways to bring them back down to size again. With some careful monitoring and self-control, you can help prevent that painful burning sensation in your tongue from happening again anytime soon!

How To Get Rid Of Swollen Taste Buds

Eat less spicy food

If you’re eating too much spice, then your tongue will start to react. This can cause your taste buds to swell up and become irritated, causing them to burn with pain. The best way to prevent this from happening is by eating less spicy foods. Instead of eating hot food like chili or curry, try eating milder versions of those types of foods instead. You can also start cooking with spices in smaller amounts so that every bite doesn’t have as many spices in it.

Drink more water

Water is essential for keeping your body hydrated, but it can also help keep your tongue cool and prevent it from burning up with the heat. Try drinking more water throughout the day so that your mouth stays cool and stops the burning sensation from happening.

Avoid hot drinks or foods

Hot drinks like coffee and tea can be very damaging to the lining of your mouth if you drink too much of them throughout the day—and they can also cause a burning sensation in your tongue as a result of being too hot! Instead of drinking these types of drinks all day long, try switching over to iced coffee or tea instead—or better yet, try making some cold brew coffee at home if you have a coffee maker at home! Avoiding hot food altogether is another good way to avoid any discomfort caused by having an excess amount of spice in your diet—especially if you’re trying out new flavors that don’t have any spices in them.

Warm up your tongue before you eat a spicy meal

If you’re eating spicy foods, try warming up your tongue by placing it in hot water for a few minutes before eating. This will help prevent the burning sensation from occurring, as well as make sure that the food you’re eating is actually going to taste good when it hits your tongue! This tip can be especially helpful if you’re trying out new flavors of food that don’t have any spices in them yet—it can help to make sure that you won’t feel any burning after tasting those new flavors!

Avoid drinking alcohol if possible

Alcohol is a great way to relax, but it can also be very drying on the mouth and cause burning sensations in the mouth and on your tongue. Make sure not to drink too much alcohol while trying out new flavors of the food—it can cause problems with your mouth and tongue so try to watch how much alcohol you drink during these types of experiments!

Use mints to cool your mouth down

If you’re eating spicy foods, try using a few mints in your mouth before you eat the food. This will help to cool your mouth down so that it doesn’t burn as much—and it can also help freshen up your breath, which is always a good thing!

Heat up the spices in your food before eating them

If you’re cooking with spices and new flavors of foods that don’t have any spices in them yet, try heating them up by placing them over a flame or using a microwave—this will make sure they don’t burn before you get to eat those new food flavors!

Try out different types of spices or flavorings instead of just one type of spice at once

Instead of trying out just one type of spice at once and having the same burning sensation throughout the whole meal, try mixing multiple types of spices together at once. This can give you an even more intense flavor experience than if you were only trying out one type of spice at a time—and it can also prevent any burning sensation from occurring if there are too many different types of spice being used at once! It can also make sure that every bite has different types and amounts of spice in it so that there aren’t any large amounts of the same type or amount throughout the meal.

What Causes Swollen Taste Buds?

Swollen Taste Buds can be caused by a number of different things

If you’re experiencing any burning sensation on your tongue or in your mouth, it may be because there are too many different types of spices or flavorings being used at once. If this is the case, try to use some type of new spice or flavorings that are less intense and that don’t contain as many different flavors. This will help to prevent any burning sensation in the mouth and on the tongue throughout your meal.

Swollen Taste Buds can also be caused by something going wrong with the food you are eating

If you’re experiencing any burning sensation on your tongue or in your mouth, it may be because there are too many different types of spices or flavorings being used at once. If this is the case, try to use some type of new spice or flavorings that are less intense and that don’t contain as many different flavors. This will help to prevent any burning sensation in the mouth and on the tongue throughout your meal.

Swollen Taste Buds can also be caused by something going wrong with your body

If you’re experiencing any burning sensation on your tongue or in your mouth, it may be because there are too many different types of spices or flavorings being used at once. If this is the case, try to use some type of new spice or flavorings that are less intense and that don’t contain as many different flavors. This will help to prevent any burning sensation in the mouth and on the tongue throughout your meal.

Swollen Taste Buds can also be caused by a change in the way your body processes food

If you’re experiencing any burning sensation on your tongue or in your mouth, it may be because there are too many different types of spices or flavorings being used at once. If this is the case, try to use some type of new spice or flavorings that are less intense and that don’t contain as many different flavors. This will help to prevent any burning sensation in the mouth and on the tongue throughout your meal.

Swollen Taste Buds can also be caused by something going wrong with your diet

If you’re experiencing any burning sensation on your tongue or in your mouth, it may be because there are too many different types of spices or flavorings being used at once. If this is the case, try to use some type of new spice or flavorings that are less intense and that don’t contain as many different flavors. This will help to prevent any burning sensation in the mouth and on the tongue throughout your meal.


When it comes to the common side effects of having an excess of spicy or hot food, swollen taste buds are probably the most common ones. Fortunately, swollen taste buds are pretty easy to get rid of—all you need to do is stop eating spicy foods until they calm down again. If you’re craving a spicy meal and your taste buds feel like they’re on fire, try to eat foods that will help cool them down. You can also try drinking water to flush out the chili peppers that are causing the burning sensation.


What is the difference between TASTE and TASTES?

TASTE is the actual taste receptors in our mouth, TASTES are the sensations we perceive in our mouth when eating certain foods.

What is a burn on my tongue or in my mouth?  

A burn on your tongue or in your mouth is a sensation of pain where you feel like something hot has just entered your mouth. It can also be called “chile burn”, “hot tongue”, “chili pepper burn” or “spicy food burn”. Some people refer to it as a spicy food headache.

How long does a burn on my tongue last?  

The duration of a burn on your tongue depends on what caused it as well as how strong the spice was when you ate it. If you don’t have an excess quantity of spicy food, then just letting it go away by itself usually takes about 2-6 hours depending on how quickly your body processes them. If you have an excess quantity of spicy food that is causing a burning sensation longer than 6 hours, try drinking plenty of water or ice cubes to cool down the spiciness and let it go away naturally over time until it’s gone completely away.