How To Fix An Aerosol Can That Won’t Spray

How To Fix An Aerosol Can That Won't Spray

Aerosol cans are one of the most common and affordable ways to dispense a liquid. They’re also incredibly versatile, with all kinds of liquids being packaged in aerosol cans. But these cans are so simple that they have some serious limitations. An aerosol can spray if you don’t use it properly, which is something many people find out after purchasing a new can. Read on to learn more about why your aerosol can won’t spray, as well as how to fix an aerosol can that won’t spray.

How To Fix An Aerosol Can That Won’t Spray?

  • The first thing you should do is shake the can. This will help you to get rid of any problems that may occur in the nozzle and give you a more effective spray.
  • Next, make sure that it is not old and/or has expired. Make sure that the cans are stored properly too, so they don’t dry up or leak.
  • If the problem persists, try softening the nozzle tip by heating it up with a hair dryer or simply leaving it in some hot water for a few minutes to soften it up.
  • Sometimes, if you are having difficulty spraying from an aerosol can try putting your finger over the hole where the spray comes out from and then shake it again. This will help clear any blockages that may be causing this issue!
  • Also, check for any cracks on the surface of cans as this could also cause problems when spraying out of them!
  • If there is no improvement after trying all these steps, run some hot water into a sink and place your can under running water for about 15-20 seconds which should help loosen any stubborn blockages within nozzles!
  • You can also try using an aerosol lubricant made especially for cleaning out stubborn clogs within Aerosol cans! You can find them at most hardware stores and they usually work really well! Just make sure to follow all instructions carefully for the best results!
  • You could also try placing a few drops of vegetable oil into the can and gently shaking it to loosen up any blockages.
  • You can also try using a hair dryer to heat up the nozzle of your aerosol can and then leave it sitting for a few minutes so that the heat loosens any blockages!
  • If all else fails, you could take your cans to a professional and have them cleaned out. All you would have to do is give them your cans and they should be able to fix them right up for you!
  • You could also try applying some WD-40 or other aerosol lubricant on the nozzle tip of your cans, as this should help loosen any clogs within nozzles!
  • If none of these tips worked for you, then unfortunately there is no other way around it but to throw out that old can and buy a new one!
  • You could also try soaking your cans in vinegar overnight to help loosen up any stubborn clogs within nozzles.
  • You could also try putting a few drops of vegetable oil into the can and gently shaking it to loosen up any blockages!
  • If none of these tips worked for you, then unfortunately there is no other way around it but to throw out that old can and buy a new one!

Why Won’t An Aerosol Can Spray?

  1. You could have a clogged nozzle.
  2. The can may be too cold.
  3. When the can gets too cold, it is more difficult for the propellant to evaporate, which is what pushes the contents out of the nozzle.
  4. If you are using an old can, it may be harder to spray as well because old cans also tend to clog up easier than new cans do!
  5. If you have just sprayed your aerosol can and nothing comes out, you may have a clogged nozzle! You should try shaking the can back and forth gently in order to unclog it!
  6. If the can is clogged, then you should try to spray some WD-40 into the nozzle area of your can and then shake it up gently.
  7. If none of these tips worked for you, then unfortunately there is no other way around it but to throw out that old can and buy a new one!
  8. You could also try putting some rubbing alcohol into the nozzle of your aerosol cans in order to unclog them!
  9. You could also try putting some vegetable oil into the can and gently shaking it in order to loosen up any clogs within the nozzles!
  10. If none of these tips worked for you, then unfortunately there is no other way around it but to throw out that old can and buy a new one!

Tips For Avoiding Problems When Using An Aerosol Can

  • If you are spraying an aerosol can over a long distance, then you should make sure that the nozzle is pointing away from your face.
  • If you are spraying an aerosol can in a closed room, then try to open windows or doors so that the fumes from the can will be able to escape easier!
  • If you are spraying an aerosol can and it starts to get cold outside, then make sure that you bring your cans indoors and spray them as soon as possible!
  • If you have sprayed an aerosol can outdoors, then make sure to clean up any spills or overspray as soon as possible so that they don’t cause any damage to plants or animals!
  • When using an aerosol can outdoors, do not spray near flames or sparks because this could cause a fire!
  • When using an aerosol can on a windy day, try your best not to spray directly into the wind because this could cause the product inside of the can to blow back onto you and get all over your clothes!
  • When using an aerosol can in direct sunlight, try your best not to hold it for more than 10 seconds at a time because this could cause problems with how well it sprays and how well it works!


Aerosol cans have become a mainstay of modern life, with many items being packaged in cans. These cans are incredibly convenient, but they’re also incredibly simple. This means that they have some limitations that you’ll have to keep in mind when using them. If your aerosol can won’t spray, one of these issues is likely the problem. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix it.