How HR Can Make Compliance Training More Impactful

How HR Can Make Compliance Training More Impactful

Since compliance training is necessary, organizations and their employees both treat it as a compulsory check in the box.

As a result, on one hand, organizations don’t think twice about the actual impact and benefits of compliance training and on the other, employees only pay attention when it is absolutely required.

The result is an employee training initiative that costs the organization a significant amount of money and resources and drives no actual improvement in output.

However, what most of us forget is that non-compliance is a serious issue. Did you know that American banks paid a total of $42 billion in compliance fees in 2016?

Paying attention to compliance training can have noticeable and measurable benefits for any organization.

Since training is usually a responsibility of the HR department, HR professionals must know how the impact of employee training programs can be maximized.

If you too, are struggling with something similar, this article is for you.

Here are a few tips that will help you make the compliance training experience at your organization more engaging and in turn, more impactful:

Make Training More Relatable

Most businesses, in order to minimize their training expenditure, choose off-the-shelf training content for compliance training. The generalized nature of such courses creates a disconnect and most employees fail to see the relevance of the training to their job responsibilities.

One of the best ways to overcome this challenge is to use custom training content. With eLearning authoring tools, creating professional grade training content is easier than ever.

If you don’t have the time and resources to create an entire course, you can start by creating and integrating a few real-life examples of your organization to be associated with relevant training topics.

This will help your employees see the relevance of the compliance training and motivate them to participate more and pay more attention.

Communicate Training Objectives And Benefits

Another way to make training more relatable and engaging is to determine and communicate learning outcomes to the learners.

Before the beginning of any training session or lesson, make it a point to communicate what the learners are going to learn from the session, and how it will help them and the organization.

If your learners can understand how the benefits of the training will enable them to execute their responsibility more efficiently, they will definitely be motivated to take it seriously.

Take Training Online

If you hadn’t already moved your training initiatives online, chances are that you had to halt them because of the ongoing pandemic situation.

Conducting employee training online is not just beneficial when working from home is a necessity, even after the offices open, conducting training online will remain extremely beneficial.

For starters, it is cheaper and more secure to store and share training content on the cloud with a learning management system and that’s not all a learning management system (LMS) can do.

Modern LMS are extremely powerful tools that enable the distribution of training material, tracking of learner progress, and come loaded with a myriad of features that are all designed to make your training experience more engaging.

Some LMS even enable the delivery of training content on mobile devices, making it even cheaper to deliver for the organization and all the more accessible for the employees.


Taking training online and making it more meaningful and relatable is the easiest way to improve the impact of training. While it might not be as easy to implement as it is in theory, if executed right, these tips have the potential to significantly improve the outcomes of your organization’s compliance training initiatives.