Fusion 360 Vs Inventor: What You Need To Know

Fusion 360 Vs Inventor

Fusion 360 is a system application. You can download it on the internet for free once you are a student, or you want it for educational purposes. Autodesk developed it. The application enables one to make a design prototype: a development process for all mechanical engineering and even technical designs.

The Inventor is also an application similar to the Fusion 360, but they have some significant differences in their respective interface and some other built-in functions.

Taking a look at Fusion 360 vs. Inventor

With the world moving very fast today, and with technology spare heading this great movement, it is making a lot of things easier for almost everyone, no matter what career path you have chosen. With so many advanced applications available today, jobs get done faster, efficiently, and with a whole lot of simulation applications. These design applications will save you the stress of laboring your brain to think of a module or plan. The Fusion 360 and the Inventor are two impressive applications that are mainly used by engineers for the mechanical and technical design process. Many things are critical to these two applications, but the most vital thing is that the software is a Computer-aided Design.

Keep reading to get more useful information about this topic!

Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is one application that you would love to use if you are an engineer or you specialize in product design. The software is not very old. It is one application that has some new design tools that will make your interaction with it easier than the previous apps that are similar to the Fusion 360.

The software is a 3D based software that makes designs so fun-filled and interactive. This application is gradually building a new wave and gaining the attention of some great professionals, and even students would want to use the software for project work. The software is a three in one application.

It houses the Computer-aided-Engineering (CAE); Computer-aided Manufacturing (CAM), and also the Computer-aided-Design (CAD). With all these in this great software, it makes it a good option for technical engineering, mechanical drawings, simulation of various engine parts, and also different product design.

This software also comes with a cloud-based function. That is, you can work with your team members remotely on a particular project.


The Inventor software is one of the old software as far as modeling is concerned. The Inventor software, also known as Autodesk Inventor, is an application made over 20 years ago. It is an application that serves so many engineers for more than twenty years in the past.

It gives them the power to create impressive designs that have shaped the lives of so many people in the world. The Inventor is one exceptional software. It can transform your simple idea into a real-time 3D design. The software is for students and engineers who want to pursue professionalism in mechanical engineering and also various engineering drawings and simulations.

The software has helped so many students and professionals to build different parts of the engine, even car simulation, among other things that it enables one to do. With its well-structured tools set aside for its design, Autodesk Inventor is software that is very easy to learn and also engage with via active interaction.

Similarities Between Fusion 360 And Inventor

These two powerful software is excellent at their levels. However, it all depends on what you are looking for when it comes to design patterns and mechanical engineering. Here, we will be looking at some of those things that make Fusion 360 and Inventor similar. Although they have their differences, you must know what link ties them. They include the following.


Both the Fusion 360 and the Inventor uses the 3D CAD software inbuilt in them. That is, they both use what you will call the Computer-aiding-Design model to enable their users to improve the way they design and also ease the way they produce their design.

The CAD is not just in 2D, but in 3D, that is, it gives the user the 3-dimensional view of the project at hand. It allows the user to make good use of the interface object, interacting with it as if you were in real life.

Design and Rendering

The Fusion 360 and the Inventor are both used to create design patterns for mechanical engineering. This technical drawing may include several illustrations of engine parts, and all this is done in 3D, as we have said earlier.

The Fusion 360 and the Inventor also comes with a cool feature. It is known as the Rendering and even simulation. That is, the software will grant you access to transform your 3D design into a living object.

In that, it gives brighter colors in the form of illustration, and in most cases, it sets the model in a free moving way. For example, you can transform your rare right design 3D car to a moving vehicle on the road, giving you and also your client or your supervisor the realistic image of what you have designed.

Differences Between The Fusion 360 And The Inventor

Although this two software have some things in common, as we have said earlier, it will be a colossal mistake to think for a minute that they are the same software, that is, in their functions, operations, or even look alike in everything.

Here, we will point out some things that make these two software different apart from their logos, and this difference will reveal to you that even if they share some similarities, that they are different software.

System Specifications

When it comes to system specifications, both software are on a different level. The Fusion 360 is software that runs both on the Windows Operating System and also on the Mac Operating System, so that you can change projects from one operating system to another operating.

When it comes to its RAM specifications, you only need to have at least 4GB before you install and run the software on your PC. But the Inventor software needs higher storage when it comes to its RAM size. It is because most of the designs in the software target extensive scale prototyping, so you would need to have about 20GB RAM space.

Hence, you need at least 8GB to enjoy the Inventor. The Inventor also runs only on the Windows Operating System. However, in a case where your PC is in partition, you can still run the Inventor on the Mac OS.

Design tool and learning pattern

When it comes to the design pattern, or you can say the interface of the software, they are not similar at all. The Inventor software has a bit of difficulty in its interface. It takes a long time before you can adequately understand the tools and their functions.

But when it comes to designing tiny engine parts that need a lot of detailing, the Inventors is the right software for you. However, when it comes to the best software that will give you a great learning experience, that is, even if you are not a professional, you can still understand some tools, it is the Fusion 360. The Fusion 360′ interface is a lot easier than the Inventor.

Cost of software

When it comes to the cost of acquiring each of the software, you should know that payment is made not at once, and you can use it for free later. Each software is subscription-based. So, for the Fusion 360, it is open for new users for a period of 30days.

Once you are a student, you are entitled to a 3-year license. If you are not in this category, you will pay either monthly or yearly. The price for the monthly subscription is 60$. The yearly cost is 495$.

But for the inventor software, once you are a student or throughout the period that you are in school, the software will be available to you for free. It means you have an unrestricted license to use the software. But if you are not a student, the cost for the monthly subscription is 250$, and it cost 1985$ for the yearly subscription.


When it comes to the process of 3D modeling and designing, the Fusion 360 and the Inventor is right for you. Still, people always ask for the best when looking at Fusion 360 vs. Inventor. The truth is that both are great software. Also, with the aid of these advanced applications with varying templates, you can now choose, see other design patterns, and model yours with an existing profile.

However, each has its peculiar differences. Thus, no one is better than the other. The Fusion 360 will give you the fresher feel because of the neat interface, and the Inventor also will provide you with an excellent range of sophisticated tools for that modern design of your choice. Hence, the software is here to give you the best and impressive performance when it comes to design and even mechanical engineering.