Do Cockroaches Make Noise: Understanding Bugs

Do Cockroaches Make Noise..

The cockroach infestation can be unnoticeable because of the unique behaviors and impressive hiding techniques in narrow corners and the dark. 

Interestingly, at times you might be minding your business and hear hissing or chirping sounds. If you immediately glance around, you’ll notice a cockroach running away. 

Common cockroach species such as German and American species aren’t known to produce noise. However, some people claim they hear clicking sounds from cockroaches, which leads us to the question. 

Do Cockroaches Make Noise

There are numerous reports that cockroaches make a clicking sound. However, it is most likely that people misidentify beetle clicks as cockroaches. 

But if the cockroach population is large enough, it’s possible to hear noise from their fluttering wings. The typical noise people associate with cockroaches is their crunch sound when one smashes them.

The Hissing Cockroaches 

There’s the Madagascar hissing cockroach and among the largest cockroach species. It’s an exception to the no-noise rule. 

They got the name “hissing cockroaches” because of the hissing noise that comes from the small side opening known as spiracles. 

Madagascar hissing cockroaches produce this sound during fights when threatening or attracting mates. Some Australian cockroaches make unique sounds. 

The vibrations are usually acoustic to attract mates; they sound by rubbing their wings and legs together. 

According to research, there isn’t any vocalization between cockroaches. Like other insects, they rely on pheromones to communicate with each other. 

Do Normal Cockroaches Vocalize 

You should note that the average house cockroach can’t vocalize. Cockroaches exist in more than 4,000 species, but humans regularly interact with only four species. 

The non-vocalizing cockroaches are the minority. Cockroaches are still able to communicate with others from their species. Like other insects, they use pheromones to communicate. 

Pheromone is a chemical with the functions of hormones. Interestingly the pheromone does not affect the cockroach that produces it. 

It only impacts the cockroach receiving it. Cockroaches put the pheromones on feces. It will affect the behavior of a cockroach that visits the place. 

Sounds From Wild Cockroaches 

The wild cockroaches make different sounds depending on their particular needs

Stridulation sound 

Cockroaches are known to make the Stridulation sound. They produce the sound when mating. It results from their body parts rubbing together, which produces noise. 

It’s always an open invitation of other cockroaches but is usually so quiet for humans to detect. Cockroaches do not rub their legs together. 

It’s possible to hear chirping noise in certain cockroach species. They produce the sound from their spiracles. 

Spiracles are on the cockroach exoskeleton, and their function is to take in oxygen. They work like lungs. The rhythmic opening and closing of the spiracles produce a soft sound.

Is Stridulation Common In All Cockroaches 

Stridulation is common during courtship, but not all cockroaches use it. The noise is prevalent in some of the Australian cockroach species. 

The soft whistle from spiracles allows cockroaches to distinguish themselves from other insects. Stridulation behavior is typical in Nauphoeta cinerea and speckled cockroaches, and the sounds tend to last up to three minutes.

Can One Hear Cockroach Fly?

You should note that not all cockroach species can fly. However, some that are at home can indeed fly. The American cockroach is known for its speed. 

It flies at a speed of 3.4 miles per hour. The American cockroach is lightweight and has an agile build that needs slight acceleration. With such speed, the cockroach makes noises. 

If you are keen, you’ll hear the wings fluttering softly when the cockroach flies. Plus, if the cockroach knocks onto a wall or surface, it’ll use the wings to right itself.  

Therefore it will produce a fluttering sound when opening and closing the wings. 

Is It Possible To Hear The Cockroach Walk 

The cockroach cannot make noise when walking at an average pace. Cockroaches do not have the weight that can disturb the surface they walk on. 

At times it’s even tricky for family pets with an intelligent sensor such as dogs cats to detect them. 

Can One Hear Scurrying Cockroach?

Hearing a walking cockroach is almost impossible, but a cockroach on the run or that which is scurry can produce sound. Cockroaches are pretty fast and can cover fifty body lengths in just one second. 

However, a scurry cockroach makes a soft noise, and human ears might not capture it quickly. Sensitive pets such as dogs or cats can easily notice. 

Humans are more likely to detect the sound of scurrying infestation. It’s because a large population won’t be able to navigate in your home without knocking objects. 

Does Cockroach Noises Mean There’s An Infestation?

Indeed, it takes many cockroaches to produce noise that the human ear can easily detect. Hearing cockroach noises doesn’t necessarily mean there’s an infestation. 

Noise is not the right way to conclude that there’s an infestation in your home because of different reasons. 

  • People aren’t familiar with cockroaches’ sounds. If you aren’t a non-specialist, correctly identifying cockroach sounds can be tricky. 
  • It’s pretty rare to hear cockroach sound noises, and they are usually soft. 
  • Cockroaches don’t produce much noise.

You might hear noises and conclude it’s a cockroach at the time but, probably it isn’t. The noises at your home can be from other bugs. Naturally, cockroaches are nocturnal insects. 

Some cockroach species produce mating calls but exclusively at night. Therefore, if you hear cockroaches’ noise, it doesn’t mean you have a full-blown infestation. 

It’s probably one or two cockroaches scurrying around. If you hear any bug sounds in your household, you should check for other possible signs. 

Do Cockroaches Bite?

Cockroaches are omnivores, which means they feed on both meat and plants. Cockroaches have a record of eating human flesh of both dead and living. 

They mostly take bites of the feet, hands, eyelashes, and fingernails. You should note that cockroach bites cause swelling, lesions, and irritation. Plus, they can lead to wound infections. 

Why Cockroaches Bite Humans

It’s improbable for cockroaches to bite living humans. It can only happen under extreme infestation. 

It means when the population is significant and food is limited. If there is plenty of food from the garbage, the cockroach won’t bite humans. 

Getting Rid Of Cockroaches Naturally

There are ways to get rid of cockroaches without using harsh chemicals. Natural remedies are quite effective and will help clear cockroaches from your home. 

The best part is that they are not harmful to humans and animals. Here are some of the natural cockroach control options. 

Baking Soda

It’s one of the easiest and fastest methods of controlling cockroaches. Baking soda is readily available in many homes. 

To make the cockroach bait, dice a handful of onions and sprinkle baking soda on them. Put the mixture in a shallow dish and place it in areas where you’ve noticed a lot of cockroach activity. 

When cockroaches consume baking soda, it creates gas in their stomach, which causes them to burst. 


Borax is a laundry product; like baking soda, it’s readily available in many homes. The product is ideal for killing cockroaches

For borax to work efficiently, mix with table sugar in equal amounts. Place the mixture in areas where the cockroach’s activity is much. If a cockroach consumes borax, it dehydrates and instantly dies. 

Boric Acid 

Boric acid naturally appears in plants and fruits. It’s simply a mixture of boron and water. The compound is harmless to animals and humans but is deadly for cockroaches. 

If a cockroach comes into contact with the compound, it sticks its legs to its wings. If it ingests boric acid, it quickly acts on the cockroach’s nervous system, killing it rapidly. 

For boric acid to work efficiently, sprinkle it onto a paper and put a spoonful of peanut butter or orange peel in the middle of the plate. Place it on place with many cockroach activities. 

Essential Oils 

The essential oils are fantastic cockroach repellants. You can either use lemongrass or peppermint essential oil with little water for the best results. Spray the mixture in areas with lots of cockroaches. 

Where Do Cockroaches Go In The Winter?

Cockroaches ideally thrive during the summer season. High humidity allows cockroaches to produce in high numbers. 

However, it’s pretty hard to come across cockroaches; where do they go. People wonder whether they die, hibernate, and much more. 

Note that cockroaches are resilient; they have made several adaptations in years. All the adaptations allow them to survive in the harshest weather, such as winter. 

Winter plans do vary according to different species. Cockroaches don’t like cold since they are cold-blooded, and thus their bodies mirror the environment. 

Some nymphs become diapause (inactive) during winter, and their metabolic rate slows down while stopping their growth. It’s a famous case with nymphs that stay outdoors during winter. 


All in all, cockroaches do not make noise. If they make noise, it’s usually so little. Most people hear sounds at night such as faint scurrying on the appliances, furniture, and wall activities. 

There’s a huge possibility that the sound originates from other bugs. However, flying cockroaches are known to produce soft buzzing sounds. 

The sounds can be virtually undetectable by human ears. Plus, mating cockroaches can also produce chirping noises when mating or feel threatened.