Can You Air Fry Frozen Salmon? The Ultimate Guide To Air-Frying Frozen Salmon 

Can You Air Fry Frozen Salmon

In the world of culinary convenience, air frying has emerged as a game-changer, offering a quick and healthier alternative to traditional cooking methods. But what about frozen salmon? Can you harness the magic of the air fryer to transform this frozen seafood into a delicious, perfectly cooked dish? In this article, we delve into the art of air frying frozen salmon, exploring the benefits, techniques, and tantalizing flavors that can be achieved with this innovative cooking method. Say goodbye to lengthy thawing times and discover a new way to savor the taste of frozen salmon like never before.

Can You Air Fry Frozen Salmon? 

Yes, you can air-fry frozen salmon! Air frying is a convenient method that allows you to cook frozen salmon quickly and efficiently. With the right techniques and settings, you can achieve a crispy exterior and tender, flaky interior, making it a delicious and hassle-free option for enjoying frozen salmon.

How To Frying Frozen Salmon?

  • Preheat the Air Fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to 400°F (200°C) for a few minutes.
  • Prepare the Salmon: While the air fryer is preheating, remove the frozen salmon fillets from their packaging. Pat them dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture.
  • Season the Salmon: Season the salmon fillets with your choice of seasonings, herbs, spices, and a drizzle of olive oil for added flavor.
  • Place in the Air Fryer Basket: Carefully arrange the seasoned salmon fillets in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Make sure they’re not overcrowded to allow for proper air circulation.
  • Set the Time and Temperature: Adjust the air fryer temperature to 400°F (200°C) and set the timer for 12-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fillets. Thicker fillets may require more time.
  • Flip Halfway Through: After about 6-8 minutes, pause the air fryer and flip the salmon fillets over using tongs or a spatula to ensure even cooking.
  • Monitor Closely: Keep a close eye on the salmon during the last few minutes of cooking to prevent overcooking. The salmon is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) and has a golden-brown crust.
  • Serve: Once done, carefully remove the salmon from the air fryer basket and let it rest for a minute. Serve hot with your favorite side dishes.

Tips For Incorporating Marinades, Herbs, And Spices


  • Opt for quick marinades: Since you’re cooking frozen salmon, a quick marinade (15-30 minutes) can infuse flavor without the need for hours of thawing.
  • Use zip-top bags: Place the frozen salmon fillets and marinade in a zip-top bag, ensuring even coating. Squeeze out excess air before sealing for maximum contact.
  • Acidic ingredients: Citrus juices, vinegar, and wine-based marinades work well to tenderize the salmon and add zesty flavors.
  • Sweet and savory balance: Balance sweet elements like honey or maple syrup with savory elements like soy sauce or Dijon mustard for depth of flavor.

Herbs and Spices:

  • Fresh herbs: Sprinkle fresh herbs like dill, parsley, cilantro, or chives over the salmon before air frying, or add them to your marinade for a burst of freshness.
  • Dry rubs: Create a dry spice rub using a combination of herbs and spices like paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, or smoked paprika. Coat the salmon fillets generously before cooking.
  • Dried herbs: If you don’t have fresh herbs, dried herbs like thyme, rosemary, or oregano work well when mixed with olive oil and applied to the salmon.
  • Add herbs and spices just before cooking: To prevent herbs from burning and spices from clumping during air frying, apply them right before cooking rather than during the marinade stage.

Benefits Of Air Frying Frozen Salmon 

Air frying is incredibly convenient, especially when using frozen salmon. There’s no need to thaw the fish in advance, saving you time and allowing for spontaneous meal preparation.

Air frying cooks frozen salmon relatively quickly. It eliminates the waiting time required for defrosting, making it an ideal choice for busy weeknight dinners.

Air frying uses hot air circulation to cook food, significantly reducing the need for added fats like oil or butter. This results in a healthier meal with lower calorie and fat content compared to traditional frying methods.

Air frying creates a crispy exterior on the salmon without excessive oil. The circulating hot air achieves a delightful golden-brown crust that many find appealing.

Despite its quick cooking time, air frying helps retain the natural moisture within the salmon, preventing it from becoming dry or overcooked.

Unlike pan-frying or baking, air frying generates less cooking odor, making it a more pleasant cooking method, especially for those sensitive to strong fish odors.

Air fryers typically have non-stick baskets or trays that are easy to clean, reducing the post-meal cleanup effort.

Air fryers can be used for a wide range of dishes, so you can prepare side dishes or other components of your meal in the same appliance, streamlining your cooking process.

Air fryers generally consume less energy than conventional ovens, making them an eco-friendly cooking option.

How To Prevent Sticking To The Air Fryer Basket?

Preventing your food from sticking to the air fryer basket is crucial for achieving a crispy, golden-brown exterior. Here are some tips to help you prevent sticking:

  1. Preheat the Air Fryer: Preheat your air fryer for a few minutes before adding the food. This can help create a non-stick surface by slightly drying out the basket.
  2. Use Cooking Spray or Oil: Lightly coat the air fryer basket or the food itself with cooking spray or a small amount of oil. You can use a non-stick cooking spray or a brush to apply a thin layer of oil. Be cautious not to use too much, as excess oil can lead to smoking.
  3. Parchment Paper: Line the air fryer basket with parchment paper. Make sure to cut the paper to fit the basket’s size and poke a few holes in it to allow hot air circulation. This not only prevents sticking but also simplifies cleanup.
  4. Non-Stick Basket: If your air fryer has a non-stick basket, it’s designed to be less prone to sticking. However, using oil or parchment paper can still help further prevent sticking.
  5. Coat the Food: If you’re cooking food items that are prone to sticking, such as battered or breaded items, lightly coat them with oil or cooking spray before placing them in the basket.
  6. Don’t Overcrowd: Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket. Leaving some space between items allows for better air circulation, which can help prevent sticking and ensure even cooking.
  7. Use a Higher Temperature: Cooking food at a slightly higher temperature can help create a crispy crust that is less likely to stick. Just be sure not to overcook the food.


In conclusion, air frying frozen salmon is not only possible but also a convenient and healthy way to enjoy this nutritious seafood. With the right techniques, you can achieve a crispy exterior and tender, flavorful interior without the need for thawing. By embracing the benefits of air frying, you can savor the delicious taste of salmon without sacrificing time or flavor, making it a valuable addition to your culinary repertoire.


Can I Cook Frozen Salmon Directly In The Air Fryer?

Yes, you can cook frozen salmon in the air fryer without thawing it first.

What Temperature And Time Should I Set For Air Frying Frozen Salmon?

Preheat to 400°F (200°C) and cook for 12-15 minutes, flipping halfway through, depending on thickness.

How Do I Prevent My Salmon From Sticking To The Air Fryer Basket?

Use parchment paper, lightly oil the basket, or invest in a non-stick accessory.

Can I Season Frozen Salmon Before Air Frying It?

Absolutely! Season the salmon with your favorite herbs, spices, or marinades for added flavor.

Is Air-Fried Frozen Salmon Healthier Than Other Cooking Methods?

Yes, air frying reduces the need for added fats and oil, making it a healthier option compared to traditional frying methods.