Can I Build My Own House In Texas? The Process For Building Your Own Property In Texas

Can I Build My Own House In Texas

Texas has a wealthy economy and large landmass to accommodate new homes. Building on your land is a desirable option, and depending on how you handle it, it can save you lots of money in the long run. The process of building a home in the United States involves working together with professionals who understand the intricacies of the complex laws.

So, Can I Build my Own House in Texas?

Yes, you can build your own house in Texas if you obey the law and follow guidelines.

How To Build Your Own House In Texas- The Procedures

The process of building a house in Texas should go smoothly if you are well-prepared for it. The following steps are significant;

 1. Get a Loan Approval

A pre-approved loan for a mortgage for the house you plan to build is significant unless you have the cash to make a once-off payment. You may want to approach your bank or a lender if you have a moderate to high credit score.

2. Contact Agents and Brokers

If you have a particular place in mind, you want to build a house, and you should contact several real estate agents and speak to them on steps to take to purchase land in the particular area. You need to consider the land quality, nearness of the land to facilities like schools, local and state building restrictions.

 There may be some special considerations for the particular area you are interested in building a house in. Consider buying land in a region where builders or the county have already laid the utility infrastructure and have a set of home plans available. This step and considerations may simplify your project in the long run.

3. Consult Builders and Architects

Consulting builders and architects could be tedious work on your path, but it pays to consider recommendations before choosing the builders and architects to design and build your home. Your architect may provide you with some sample designs, and your preferred builder must be familiar with building materials and state building codes. You may want to contact the Texas Association of Builders for recommendations on architects and builders.

What Are The Things You Should Look Out For In A Home Site?

Now you have been saving up to purchase land where you can erect your own home. There are a few things you should consider when choosing a site to build your home, these include;

1. Quality Deed Restrictions

Deed restrictions are also referred to as restrictive covenants. They have always been contained in the deed, limiting how you can use a piece of real estate like land and what can be erected on it.

Ensure you read the Deed Restrictions because you may set yourself up for some disappointment if you fail to read the document. If, for instance, you plan to build a house of 3,000 sq. ft. but your Deeds restrict you to 2,500 Sq.ft. You may either re-adjust your building plan or look elsewhere to build the property you desire.

If you don’t like Deeds Restrictions, you may want to consider building a property in a neighborhood that comes with no Deeds Restriction.

2. The Sub-division Infrastructure

A sub-division is referred to as a parcel of land, divided or separated from a larger area. The purpose of the sub-division is to split a large tract of land into smaller ones that are easier to develop.

When choosing a site for your home, make sure that the sub-division has an excellent plan for current and future development.

A good sub-division plan must have a geotechnical study; that is, you must ensure the land has been studied and approved for things like good roads and foundations.

The sub-division plan must also come with a phase 1 or phase 2 environmental study. This study ensures that the developer is clear about titles on all properties and each piece of land has been certified clean. An environmentally-clean environment with no oil well, dumps, and other toxic substances that make a land unsafe.

Make sure the drainage pipes have been laid ahead of time. Similarly, water, sewer, and septic plans must also be well laid out ahead of time. For instance, water wells and septic systems must be spaced at least 200 ft. apart. If a good sub-division plan is not in place, you should consider finding another area to cite your home.

3. Considerations for the Flood Plain Locations

A flood plain can be described as an area that is subject to natural flooding, especially from nearby waterways.

Once you have chosen a lot to erect your home, you must request a flood plane certificate. This certificate will indicate the area’s flood plain status, so you will know if you are in a flood zone or not. If the area is in a flood zone, you may want to find an alternative location.

After considering the flood certificate, you may want to check your neighbor’s susceptibility to flooding. Sometimes, if the area is susceptible to flood, but the neighbor has a solution, you may want to consider their perspective to make a decision.

It would be best if you also considered checking out the drainage away from your property or home site. Standing water around the area will surely have a long-term negative effect. Inadequate drainage is the number one reason for concrete slab failure.

4. The Home Utilities

You will always be responsible for most of your utilities. In Texas, for instance, an overhead electricity wire connected to your home can be free. You may get a wire run into your home at up to 150 feet, but the underground electric feed will cost some money to install.

This means that the further you have to run a utility line, the more you have to pay, especially for the installation. Keep in mind that lengthy power lines, sewer, and water line utilities can add significantly to the cost of building a house.

In the end, it all boils down to your preference. A house that is 100ft far from the road is quieter and more private than one 50 feet away from the road, but a house 50ft from the road may cost less in running utilities than one that is 100 feet from the road.

It is important to make an intentional decision when it comes to utilities. It would be best if you worked out how much utility feeds will add to the cost of building your home. The farther your home is from the main lines, the higher the utility costs.

5. Roads and Driveways

Just like utility lines, driveway costs will increase as their length or distance from your home increases. It would be best if you plotted where you want your driveway to be located, and a professional could give you an estimate of what it will cost.

What To Look Out For When Searching For A Custom Home Builder

Finding the right custom home builder to erect your home on your site is as important as finding the right location to build the home. The following tips will help;

1. Choose a One-Stop, Full-Service Contractor

Some builders only provide limited service. For instance, some contractors can build a house but wouldn’t build a septic system.

If possible, find a contractor that will begin the building with you from the beginning to the end. Your custom home builder must provide the following services;

  • Lot-site evaluation
  • Lot-site preparation (including septic, road, lot clearing, wells, and building pads)
  • Architectural control assistance (ACC) approval
  • Permit acquisitions
  • Design center, and
  • Mortgage services

2. The Lot-site Evaluation and Preparation

You should have a meeting with the builder at your lot site where the building will be erected. Your builder will compare your building drawings with the site to advise you on the best location for the well, septic, pool, and utility line positions.

The home quality standards must be met. The builder must perform a soil test and design the foundation of the home-based on such tests. Must provide energy-efficient options for your home and use quality materials and workmanship. He must also utilize independent inspections by third parties.

3. Look for Good Customer References

You don’t want to be ripped off by faulty builder equipment and other issues; that is why you must ask for customer references from your potential home builders. You cat fold your arms and have the best builder at your doorstep by not taking certain evaluations.

Check a builder’s references and have a look at the work they have done in the past. You may also want to visit some of the homes that have been constructed or are currently under construction by the builders. You may want to ask the owners of the homes their experiences working with the builder. This will help you prepare yourself mentally and financially for the builder with the task ahead.