Can Birds Eat Cheerios? Learn The Surprising Answer

Can Birds Eat Cheerios

Birds have been a constant source of fascination for humans since the beginning of time. This one small creature has captured our hearts and imagination with its grace, beauty, and fascinating behavior. 

Birds are also among the most important creatures on Earth because they pollinate plant life and eat insects that destroy crops. 

We probably all know that birds eat various seeds and grains, insects, fruit and berries, nuts, snails, and worms. 

Some birds even eat other birds. But do they eat Cheerios? This article will talk about the various things birds eat to survive.

Can Birds Eat Cheerios?

Birds can eat certain varieties of cheerios. However, they should not be the main course. When you feed them Cheerios, make sure it’s only once or twice a week and not as a main course.

Cheerios are popular with birds, and they are not always harmful. Plain cheerios with reduced sugar and salt content are suitable for feeding. Large chunks might be challenging to chew, so feed a tiny quantity. 

What Do Birds Eat?

Birds have always been an exciting species. They have adapted to live in almost every habitat on Earth. That’s why they are found everywhere, from the icy poles to the equator and everything in between. 

They have endured for millions of years, adapting to survive in all sorts of environments. Even though they are so diverse, many birds share certain traits – such as eating habits and habitat preferences. 

They are brilliant animals that can learn to speak human languages(parrots) and form long-lasting relationships with humans. They have their own set of rules and requirements for survival. 

Birds eat a variety of different things, depending on their species.

  • Birds are most commonly associated with eating seeds and insects. 
  • Like crows and owls, some birds have even been known to kill and eat small rodents.
  • Pollen is a little substance that is grainy and is produced by flowers as a food source for plant reproduction. It is mostly pollen that birds eat. Birds like robins, sparrows, waxwings, and chickadees eat pollen. 
  • They use their beaks to pry open flower buds or openings in trees where the pollen is found. 
  • Did you know that birds feed on other birds, mammals, and fish?
  • Birds eat lots of different nuts and berries.
  •  It’s a widely known fact that birds love cereal. Cheerios are one of the favorite foods for birds. 

The following are some fantastic items to add to your feeding table:

  • Millet, oats, and nyjer(thistle seed) are seeds.
  • Cornflakes
  • Bacon rind, unsalted
  • Raisins and sultanas, as long as they’re low in sugar or sugar-free.
  • Mealworms or waxworms, dried
  • Fresh fruit sliced in halves, such as apples, oranges, or pears
  • Unsalted peanuts
  • Cracked corn
  • Suet cakes

Birds have also adapted and evolved over the years, with some species becoming extinct while new ones emerge. Such is the case of birds who have learned to live without food (yes, you read that right)!

Are All Cheerios Good For Birds?

Cheerios is a cereal manufactured by General Mills and is one of the world’s most popular breakfast cereals. Most people love this cereal. It comes in a wide variety of flavors, shapes, and colors. 

According to General Mills, the average American consumes over one hundred and sixty bowls of Cheerios per year.

As much as most cheerios are good for birds, some are not because they are made with high-fructose corn syrup(HFCS). This sweetener contains mercury and other heavy metals, including lead and arsenic. 

Studies have shown that the ingestion of HFCS by humans is associated with obesity, diabetes, and other health problems. The fact that it contains mercury means that it is toxic to birds.

Honey nut and frosted cheerios contain the most sugar. It would be best not to feed either of these regularly for birds, particularly African Grey parrots.

Parrots are very susceptible to diabetes and should only be fed healthy treats now and then. If you give your parrot a sweet treat high in sugar, make it fruit – not cereal. And don’t give it Frosted Cheerios or Honey Nut Cheerios!

You shouldn’t give these Cheerio products to birds because of the high sugar content;

  • Peanut Butter Cheerios
  • Frosted Wheaties
  • Frosted Chex
  • Honey Nut Chex
  • Apple Cinnamon Chex
  • Frosted Cheerios
  • Frosted Rice Krispies
  • Honey Nut Cheerios

The best cheerios to give to birds are the original ones with less and close to zero sugar.

How Do You Feed Cheerios To Birds? 

You are at the park with your children, ready to feed the birds. As you pull out a box of Cheerios, you wonder what the best way to feed birds is. 

What should you do, throw them on the ground or sprinkle them? Should you hold them in your hand or use a feeder?

How do you feed cheerios to birds? You can do this by tying up shoelaces or strings to trees or your backyard, or even your porch. String the cheerios together and hang them decoratively. 

Birds will swoop in to feed on these feeders, and you’ll enjoy them as much as they’ll enjoy their tasty treat.

How Do Baby Birds Eat?

Baby birds eat a lot of food to grow. Their stomachs are tiny, so they need to eat frequently. In the nest, they feed most often every 20 minutes. The parents bring food back to their chicks, who quickly swallow it down.

In the nest, baby birds are fed regurgitated food from their parents. This is because the baby birds can’t feed themselves and also because it’s safer for the adult birds to fly to get food and drop it in the nest.

Baby birds’ first meal is called “crop milk” or “pipping.” Baby parrots have this white, pasty substance that they produce in their crop, which is a part of their gut, which they use to store food. This storage area fills with this substance, similar to mammals’ milk.

After about 12-21 days, the babies are ready to leave the nest and start flying. At that point, they will only come back to the nest at night for a few more weeks. 

Their stomachs can now hold more food, which is essential because their parents will spend less time feeding them. 

There are many different types of birds, and they come in an even wider variety of shapes and sizes. 

Baby birds are no exception. Most birds choose to raise their young in nests, and those nests must be comfortable enough for the baby birds to stay warm and fed.

That being said, most babies will eat a diet similar to the one their parents eat. For example, baby cardinals will eat a mixture of insects and seeds. 

That may not seem very appetizing to us, but it’s what they exactly need to grow big and strong. 

The same goes for baby blue jays, finches, and chickadees. However, some baby birds are very picky eaters—for example, the chicks of many songbirds.

Do Birds Have Teeth?

Birds do not have teeth. They have a beak, an extension of their skull, which is not a separate bone like in mammals. The beak, also known as rhamphotheca, comprises mandibles, maxillae, and a preen gland.

Their bills are made up of keratin, and though they may have ridges on their bills that help them grip food, these ridges aren’t technically considered teeth.

The avian world has a bill full of nothing but a tongue and some tiny bones that help grip and chew.

Birds don’t need teeth because most of their diet consists of seeds, nuts, and fruits that don’t need much work to digest. In addition, birds swallow their food whole or shred it quickly with their beaks and agile tongues.

Do Birds Drink Water?

Yes. Birds drink water like all other animals on this planet earth. They get water from the food they eat, from drinking it directly, and also from dewdrops which can be found on leaves, grass, and trees in the morning.

Take the Hummingbird, for example. Hummingbirds are primarily nectar-eaters, but they do take in water. Many people think that hummingbirds get all of their hydration from the sugar water they consume. 

While this is true, they also need to drink water to stay well-hydrated. Since they live in deserts and tropical jungles, they’re at risk of dehydration if they don’t have a steady freshwater supply.


Birds can indeed eat Cheerios, but you should keep in mind that certain types of Cheerios, especially those with high sugar content, put them at risk for other health complications. 

We’ve provided a helpful list of safe foods for birds and those you should avoid. You will love this article if you love birds as much as we do. It is full of interesting facts about what birds eat that are guaranteed to impress you.