Are Geodes Valuable? The Fascinating, Valuable Rock

Are Geodes Valuable

A geode is a hollow crystal nodule. In addition, the external crystal formations always surround the internal cluster. Geodes are a type of rock, but not all crystal-bearing stones are geodes. Those that are solidly filled are called nodules.

Thundereggs are nodules in a stable matrix, usually rhyolite. Thunderegg is a geographical name for spherical nodules. The trademark of geodes is that they are always hollow. Furthermore, the geode’s interior crystal formation can be of any type. Not all nodules are geodes, but all geodes are nodules.

Now that you briefly know about a geode, the question is whether or not they are valuable.

Are Geodes Valuable?

Geodes are valuable due to their complex and unique natural formation. A geode’s value gets determined by its inside contents and size. Large amethyst geodes sell for thousands. Smaller geodes that fit in your palm can cost $5 and up. If the inside of the geode has unidentified materials, expect to pay $30-$500.

About Geodes

A geode is a hollow rock comprising of sparkling crystal layer inside it. Geodes are easily overlooked due to their lack of visual appeal. However, opening a geode reveals an array of vibrant crystals. Anyone who enjoys studying and collecting rocks and minerals may enjoy hunting for these hollow rocks. Although, it can be challenging to locate them.

Geodes get formed over a long period by complex chemical reactions. It develops as a hollow bubble inside a volcanic rock or another type of rock. Roots or animal burrows could cause these hollows. During rock formation, tiny air bubbles surrounding the stone get hot. Moreover, chemicals get released into the water when it gets moist.

Part of this mineral-rich water gets trapped inside the bubble because it has penetrated the rock’s outer surface. In addition, the bubble remains with tiny crystals sticking to the sides. Afterward, layers form inside the space over thousands and millions of years. These layers include agate and quartz layers. The interior of some geodes is densely crystallized, while others have a cavity with a crystallized interior surface.

The colors of geodes depend on the agate layer inside the rock and the crystals that form on it. The agate layer gives most of the geode’s color. The mineral distribution within it determines the color of agate.

The colors will be red if iron oxide and cobalt are abundant. In addition, the colors will be blue if titanium is present. Moreover, manganese turns pink, while chromium and nickel turn green. The quartz on top of the agate is usually white or transparent, but it can get colored.

You can find geodes worldwide. However, they are most common in deserts. Furthermore, you can find geodes anywhere there is volcanic ash or a lot of limestones. Iowa has a large geode deposit and is named a state park after it. Geode enthusiasts can take tours of the Crystal Cave in Ohio. Aside from the US desert and central regions, geodes are also found in Mexico, Australia, and Brazil.

Features Of A Geode

Some people may find a particular rock and fail to know that it is a geode. Here are some of the features to help you understand that a specific rock is a geode.

  • Geodes are spherical but have bumpy surfaces.
  • Geodes can have loose material inside that can be heard shaking. Moreover, you can check for hollowness by gently tapping with a stone or hammer.
  • Geodes usually have less weight than their size would indicate due to the lack of material inside.

Determinants Of The Value Of Geodes

Are you a geode collector, or have you been gifted with one? In either case, you may want to figure out the worth of the geode to know how much you will see a geode. Unlike diamonds, geodes are not as easy to price and value. However, here are some factors that will help you determine the value of a geode.


A geode with a richer and darker color will have more value. Darker geodes like amethyst and black calcite are rare and fetch a pretty penny.


It’s easy to remember that an enormous geode is more valuable. However, this factor may or may not work depending on your geode. If it’s rare, even a tiny piece of the mineral could be worth hundreds.

Internal And External Flaws

If your geode has many cracks and splits inside and outside, you can expect a small compensation. The aesthetics matter a lot. Therefore, selling will be challenging if you have a geode that looks like it’s about to split.


Another factor is the scarcity of the geode that you have. Some geodes are rare to find while others are not. Moreover,  Some people may be looking for a specific amethyst geode shape. Therefore if you have a geode that is rare to find, it will have a higher value.

How To Sell Geodes

Selling your geodes can sometimes be challenging. However, some tips can help you with your course and sell your geodes with more ease. These are some of the things you can do that will help you sell your geode.

Take Pictures

One of the things you can do is take pictures of your geode. You can attract buyers with beautiful geode photos. Try to get them shining in the sun or something similar. Moreover, you should ensure you take detailed close-up images.

Give Descriptions

When selling your geode, you should ensure that you include the stone’s location and dimensions. In addition, indicate if you have altered the rock or if it is a raw piece. It would help to be honest with the buyer and give truthful descriptions.

Create A Seller Account

Another way you can sell your geode is by opening a seller account like an eBay or Amazon account. Furthermore, you can also Sell your geodes on Etsy. You can choose any of these options if you don’t want a website.

Create Your Website

You can also sell your geodes by having your website and a domain. However, it will require some promotion on social media, but the payoff is worth it. You will have complete control over your website and sell your geode effectively.

What Makes Geodes So Valuable

Geodes are valuable due to their complex and unique natural formation. A volcanic rock produces an empty gas bubble that slowly forms into a rock. Then the bubble hardens. Afterward, carbonates and silicates will start washing into groundwater. As the chemicals and water mix, moisture seeps into the stone from the outside.

Crystals form when moisture gets trapped, and temperatures are different on either side of the rock. In addition, the stone becomes hollow when cut because tiny crystals remain on the walls. Over time, this process will repeat itself. The process might even repeat itself for thousands to millions of years before someone discovers it. Therefore, the value of the geode comes from the repetitive process.

Furthermore, the color of the tiny crystals inside indicates the crystal type, which can add extra value. The following are the different color range and their crystal type.

  • Pink geodes are Rose Quartz.
  • Blue geodes are Gem Silica
  • Purple geodes are Amethysts.
  • Quartz geodes have clear crystals.

Chemical compounds dissolved in groundwater during the geode formation give it its color. For example, blue crystals inside a geode indicate that the rock contains titanium inside. You cannot know what is inside the geodes by looking at its outside. Therefore, the only way to know what is inside is by cracking it wide open.

What Is A Geode Suitable For?

Geodes can help with meditation, stress, and decision-making. It does so by improving moods, balances, and energies. Their multiple uses stem from the fact that crystal formations and minerals vary.

However, most people use geodes for decorations. You can decorate a shelf or an outdoor rock garden with this stunning piece. Some store-bought geodes are large enough to stand alone on your floor.

What Is The Difference Between Geode And Nodules, And How Do You Tell A Geode From A Rock?

A geode is a round rock comprising the crystal-lined hollow cavity. On the other hand, nodules are rocks filled with small compact crystal formations like agate, jasper, or chalcedony. Moreover, geode has a hollow cavity, whereas a nodule is solid. The only way to tell if a rock is a geode is to hammer it or see it open. Observe the interior to determine whether it is hollow or solid.

Where Can You Get Geode?

You can find geodes in different parts of the USA. Some places include mainly Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, western Illinois, Kentucky, and Utah). Moreover, they also thrive in Brazil, Uruguay, Namibia, and Mexico. You can find geodes mainly in basalt and limestone areas.


You have seen that a geode is a rock with a sparkling crystal inside it. What makes the geode valuable is what it is inside. You must know how to tell if a rock is a geode or not. The good thing is that geodes have features that differentiate them from other stones. In addition, the value of the geode depends on factors like size, color, and even scarcity.