What is the Domain of the Given Function? {(3, –2), (6, 1), (–1, 4), (5, 9), (–4, 0)}

What is the Domain of the Given Function? {(3, –2), (6, 1), (–1, 4), (5, 9), (–4, 0)}

In the world of mathematics, functions play a crucial role in understanding relationships between variables. One important aspect of functions is determining their domain, which refers to all the possible input values (x-values) that the function can accept. In the case of the given function {(3, –2), (6, 1), (–1, 4), (5, 9), (–4, 0)}, the domain consists of the x-values from each ordered pair.

This article will explore the question: what is the domain of the given function? {(3, –2), (6, 1), (–1, 4), (5, 9), (–4, 0)}. By walking through the step-by-step process of identifying the domain, we’ll help you grasp the importance of understanding domain in various mathematical contexts. Whether you’re studying algebra or exploring real-world applications, knowing how to find the domain is a fundamental skill that will serve you well.

What is the Domain of a Function?

The domain of a function refers to all the possible x-values (inputs) for which the function is defined. In this context, the function is presented as a set of ordered pairs, where each pair consists of an x-value and a corresponding y-value. To determine the domain, we need to identify the x-values from each ordered pair.

For the given function {(3, –2), (6, 1), (–1, 4), (5, 9), (–4, 0)}, the x-values are 3, 6, –1, 5, –4. Therefore, the domain of this function is:

  • {3, 6, –1, 5, –4}

This means the function is defined only for these x-values. Any other x-value outside this set would not be part of the domain for this specific function.

Why is Understanding the Domain of a Function Important?

Defining Function Behavior

The domain of a function is crucial because it determines the possible input values for which the function can operate. Without defining the domain, we wouldn’t know which x-values to use or how the function behaves.

Understanding Restrictions

In some cases, functions may have restrictions that limit the domain. For example, functions involving division by zero or square roots of negative numbers have restricted domains. In the case of our given function, there are no such restrictions, but it’s important to note that not all functions have the same level of flexibility.

Mathematical Analysis

When analyzing or graphing functions, knowing the domain allows you to understand where the function exists and where it does not. This is particularly useful when studying complex or piecewise functions.

How to Find the Domain of a Function?

Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a simple approach to determining the domain of a function:

  1. Identify the Ordered Pairs
    In this case, the given function is represented by the set of ordered pairs: {(3, –2), (6, 1), (–1, 4), (5, 9), (–4, 0)}.
  2. Extract the X-Values
    The domain consists of all the x-values in the ordered pairs. From our set of pairs, the x-values are: 3, 6, –1, 5, –4.
  3. List the Domain
    Now, list the x-values in a set: {3, 6, –1, 5, –4}. This is the domain of the given function.
  4. Check for Any Restrictions
    Since this function is only defined by the given ordered pairs, the domain is limited to these specific values. There are no further restrictions, such as division by zero or square roots of negatives, so the domain remains as {3, 6, –1, 5, –4}.


Common Mistakes When Identifying the Domain

Confusing Domain with Range

It’s easy to confuse the domain (x-values) with the range (y-values). Remember, the domain refers only to the input values, while the range refers to the output values.

Forgetting to Include All X-Values

Another common mistake is forgetting to include all the x-values from the ordered pairs. In our example, the domain includes every x-value from the set: {3, 6, –1, 5, –4}.

Misinterpreting Function Notation

Some students misinterpret how to extract the domain when dealing with functions in other forms, such as algebraic expressions. In this case, since we are working with ordered pairs, identifying the domain is straightforward.

Real-World Applications of Domain in Functions

Understanding the domain of a function has practical applications in real-world scenarios:

  1. Engineering and Physics
    In engineering and physics, functions often represent physical phenomena, and the domain defines the limitations of the input variables (e.g., time, distance, or velocity).
  2. Economics and Finance
    Functions are used in economics to model relationships between variables such as supply and demand. Knowing the domain helps analysts understand the possible values for which the model is valid.
  3. Computer Science
    In programming, functions are used to define operations on data. Understanding the domain ensures that the correct inputs are processed, avoiding errors.

By knowing the domain, we can apply functions more effectively across various fields of study and industries.

Visualizing the Domain of a Function

Visualizing a function can help make sense of the domain. For the given function {(3, –2), (6, 1), (–1, 4), (5, 9), (–4, 0)}, we can plot the points on a graph. The x-values correspond to the horizontal axis, and the y-values correspond to the vertical axis.

  • X-values: {3, 6, –1, 5, –4}
  • Y-values: {–2, 1, 4, 9, 0}

Each point represents an input-output pair, and the domain includes all the x-values visible on the horizontal axis.


The domain of the given function {(3, –2), (6, 1), (–1, 4), (5, 9), (–4, 0)} is {3, 6, –1, 5, –4}. By identifying the x-values from the ordered pairs, we can easily determine the domain. Understanding the domain is essential for analyzing how a function behaves and where it is defined. Whether you’re working with simple or complex functions, the process of finding the domain remains a crucial step in understanding the relationship between variables.


Q. What is the domain of the given function {(3, –2), (6, 1), (–1, 4), (5, 9), (–4, 0)}?
A. The domain is {3, 6, –1, 5, –4}, representing all the possible x-values.

Q. How do you find the domain of a function with ordered pairs?
A. To find the domain, extract the x-values from each ordered pair and list them as a set.

Q. Why is the domain of a function important?
A. The domain defines the set of possible inputs for a function, helping you understand its behavior and limitations.

Q. What is the difference between domain and range?
A. The domain refers to the input values (x-values), while the range refers to the output values (y-values) of a function.

Q.Can the domain of a function be infinite?
A. Yes, in some cases, functions have infinite domains, such as functions defined for all real numbers. However, in this example, the domain is finite, limited to specific x-values from the given ordered pairs.