Do You Eat Edamame Shells: Read This Before Eating Edamame

Do You Eat Edamame Shells

Let’s be honest, edamame is quite a great snack. It’s a wise choice for times when one is hungry and has to wait an hour or more for food to be ready. 

Approximately 11/8 cup of the edamame beans in the pod boasts 120 calories. Smart fat, fiber, and protein content also make edamame satisfying. 

On the other hand, edamame beans are more than a snack. They serve as great ingredients for a range of recipes. 

However, many people have been skeptical about what to do with the shells. So, what do you do with edamame shells? Let’s address the question below and move on from there. 

Do you eat edamame shells?

No, you don’t, and please don’t try it. Why? The shell is useless to you. Just eat the immature beans and discard the shell.

The reason you cannot eat edamame shells is simple. The shell boasts a tough texture and is super difficult to chew. You also cannot digest it with ease. 

Do edamame shells have significant nutritional value? No, they don’t. Besides being difficult to chew, the shell has no beneficial nutritional value. So, it is worth discarding. 

There’s more information on edamame beans for you right here. We urge you to keep reading!

What Edamame Is

You obviously would have seen edamame on the shelf, eaten or used it. It is a common green bean, which emerged from the soybean plant variety. 

So, bear in mind that edamame is soybean. But it is an immature one. It is edible and soft. 

The mature soybean is dry and the texture is harder than edamame. It’s what people normally use to make tofu and soy milk. 

The name “edamame” is also Japanese. It means beans on a branch

Now, how long does edamame take to grow? It can take between 90 to 150 days to grow from seed to pod. 

You can harvest edamame once the pods turn bright green, grow to two or three inches long, and boast many plump seeds.   

A Handy Tip: When you’re harvesting edamame, please don’t tear the pod from the plant. 

Edamame has a deep root in China, dating back to over 2200 years ago. It was later introduced into Japan and it became very popular in the country since then. 

Edamame is a popular green bean found in cuisines across the globe. 

What Edamame Taste Like

Taste is the main priority in foods. If certain foods don’t taste good, people won’t be that keen to eat them. 

Edamame does have a great taste. It tastes better than the regular bland bean curd.  

So, what does the popular snack, edamame, taste like? This green bean does taste like a pea. It boasts a somewhat buttery flavor, with a little bit of nuttiness and sweetness. 

A Handy Tip: Edamame’s texture is slightly firmer than pea’s, but it’s still a bit soft to bite.

5 Unbelievable Health Benefits Edamame Has

We consume food to keep hunger at bay. But you cannot keep consuming foods that don’t offer any nutritional benefits. If you do, you might experience a deficiency of one or more nutrients. 

Edamame makes delicious snacks. And they offer numerous health benefits to the body. Let’s discuss what those benefits are. 

#1: Proteins: These immature soybeans boast approximately 12 percent protein, which is a great amount for plant-based food. 

Besides offering quality protein, edamame also provides all the essential amino acids the body requires.

#2: Low carb: This soybeans’ low carb content makes it ideal for people on a low-carb diet or those who have type-2 diabetes. 

#3: Loaded with minerals and vitamins: These immature soybeans come packed with an incredible amount of minerals and vitamins. 

These include manganese, vitamin K, thiamine, iron, copper, folate, and even riboflavin. 

#4: Reduces men’s risk of prostate cancer: Studies claim that edamame can lower prostate cancer risk. Soy products generally have the capacity.

However, more research is necessary to ascertain these claims. 

#5: Might cause reduced bone loss: Edamame helps lower the onset of bone loss older and middle-aged women may experience in their lifetime. 

Simple Ways To Cook Your Edamame

Firstly, keep in mind that you can use this immature soybean in diverse ways. Some people consume it as a snack. 

But please don’t eat your edamame together with the pod. It’s not edible. Pop the beans out and eat them.  

Another way people consume edamame is by using soybeans as vegetables, which are then added to salads. 

So, is edamame cooking simple? Yes, it is. The beans don’t require much cooking time. It should be ready in about 3 to 5 minutes. 

You can also cook edamame in varied ways. You can microwave, steam, or pan-fry the beans. 

A Handy Tip: It is difficult to remove edamame seed from the pod when raw. So, cooking is advisable. And remember to cook your edamame or any vegetable in a frozen state before serving. 

Can You Eat Edamame Every day?

Edamame is a rich soybean. It boasts a wide range of minerals and nutrients. But an adage says consuming too much of everything is bad. Even eating an excess amount of a highly nutritious food can become an issue. 

So, it is wise to consume edamame in moderation. Don’t wait for side effects before doing the right thing. 

Again, if you have a soy allergy, abstain from consuming excess soybeans. 

On the other hand, most people may experience a mild side when they eat excess soybeans. They may experience constipation, cramps, or stomach pain. Why?

The answer is simple. The majority of the individuals in this category aren’t used to consuming excess high fiber diets regularly. 

Simple Technique To Store Your Fresh Edamame

It is important to cook your edamame beans once purchased fresh. Here’s how to store the beans.

#1: Store in the refrigerator: You can store your fresh edamame beans for one or two days in your refrigerator before finally cooking them.

Once you’re done cooking the beans, then you can leave them in the refrigerator for several days. 

#2: Freeze your edamame: The freezer is another place to store your edamame. But you have to cook before storing them in the freezer. 

The first step is to cook the edamame beans. Once cooked, you can then decide how to store it in the freezer. 

You can decide to freeze the entire edamame pods. Another option is the remove the beans from the pod before freezing them.  

A Handy Tip: To cook your frozen edamame beans, ensure you reheat them in boil water for some minutes. 

Is Edamame Bad For Women? 

No! Edamame is a soybean loaded with many beneficial minerals and nutrients. These constituents make it a wise choice for women of all age groups.

Studies have suggested that soy consumption could offer potential cancer-preventive effects, particularly for women. And this includes premenopausal women.      

Soy helps increase sex hormone-binding globulin levels and menstrual circle length, including reducing estrogen levels.   


Do you eat edamame shells? No, you do not. By the way, you can’t. The shell’s texture is hard. Besides, you won’t get anything by eating it. 

So, pop the seed out of the pod and enjoy your snack. Don’t give yourself an unnecessary headache by trying to chew the shells. 

You can prepare edamame beans in diverse recipes. We also mentioned that there are various ways to cook them. You can fry, microwave, or boil them. Just cook in whatever way you find convenient.